Proposal to bring Millie's Mark to Scotland

Dan Thompson from Millie’s Trust and Stella Ziolkowski, NDNA’s Director of Quality and Training, met with Early Learning and Childcare Health and Wellbeing representatives from the Scottish Government to discuss the possibility of making Millie’s Mark accreditation available to Scottish Early Learning Childcare providers.
Millie’s Mark is a quality mark for paediatric first aid developed by Millie’s Trust after a lengthy campaign. The quality mark means that all practitioners in a childcare setting are paediatric first aid trained and confident in delivering emergency help, giving parents peace of mind.
The Co-operative Childcare Dewsbury was recently announced as the 300th setting to gain Millie’s Mark accreditation. The number of accredited settings across England continues to grow.
The proposal follows a large number of inquiries from our members in Scotland requesting to take up Millie’s Mark. Earlier this year NDNA carried out a research with our members to gather views on rolling this initiative out into Scotland. The findings from this research found that a high percentage of those responding would like Millie’s Mark to be made available in Scotland.
The meeting with the Scottish Government highlighted the impact of Millie’s Mark to date as well as the benefits to children, Early Learning Childcare providers and practitioners.
The Co-operative Childcare Dewsbury was recently announced as the 300th setting to gain Millie’s Mark accreditation. The number of accredited settings across England continues to grow.
The proposal follows a large number of inquiries from our members in Scotland requesting to take up Millie’s Mark. Earlier this year NDNA carried out a research with our members to gather views on rolling this initiative out into Scotland. The findings from this research found that a high percentage of those responding would like Millie’s Mark to be made available in Scotland.
The meeting with the Scottish Government highlighted the impact of Millie’s Mark to date as well as the benefits to children, Early Learning Childcare providers and practitioners.